Is CBD For Dogs The Next Big Thing In Veterinary Care?

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There is a lot of buzz about Prime Quality CBD Products for Dogs. It has become a go-to treatment for arthritis, anxiety, and even cancer. People are posting their success stories all over the internet; if you didn’t know better, you might think it was just another trendy thing.

But what does this wonder substance actually do? And is it safe for our pets to use? We explore those questions below.

What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol and refers to one of the two major compounds found in cannabis plants (the other being THC). CBD is a non-intoxicating, natural compound that has been used for decades to treat arthritis, anxiety, and cancer. It is completely legal and does not cause the “high” that THC does. The CBD in cannabis comes from hemp — marijuana’s cousin.

Why are people so excited about CBD?

There appears to be a lot of potential here. What’s exciting about CBD for dogs is that it doesn’t come with the same negative side effects as many other natural supplements do. And unlike prescription medications, it can be used in a safe and reliable way without you having to worry about getting ripped off or getting turned into a criminal if your dog overdoses on cannabidiol.

What can CBD be used to treat?

There is quite a long list of potential uses for cannabidiol. Here are some of the most common:

Arthritis Pain – One study by the National Cancer Institute even showed that it worked better than over-the-counter drugs like Tylenol. All natural, no side effects, no pain — great! For fast relief, add two drops of CBD to your dog’s food daily. Alternatively, apply the oil directly to your dog’s skin using a dropper or spray bottle.

Pain Relief – If your pet is in pain or recovering from surgery or an injury, you can use CBD to help relieve the pain.

Anxiety Relief – This is probably what brought a lot of people to CBD in the first place. It seems like a safe alternative to medications like Valium that have powerful side effects. Dogs suffering from separation anxiety, noise phobias, and other social fears will benefit from using CBD oil. I’d start by giving it a few times before an expected situation that scares your dog (treating it similarly to how you would treat anxiety with Xanax for humans). Watch for negative side effects like sedation and rapid heart rate.

Cancer – In case you hadn’t heard, CBD can help prevent cancer. It also helps treat the symptoms of cancer and its side effects. This was a big reason that it became so popular among humans, and it’s now catching on with animals too.

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